Friday, January 4, 2013

Fun Diagnosis: Do you have VSD?

Before discussing VSD, please take the following self-quiz below. This will determine if you might possibly have VSD.

Do you find it easier to stay up at night than to get up early in the mornings?
Do you consume more liquids than solid foods daily?
Do you like cloudy days?
Are at least two of your teeth pointy?
Are you always cold?
Do you hiss when you are angry or threatened?

If you have at least 5 out of the 6 symptoms above, you may have VSD and should be checked by your physician.

VSD is the abbreviation for Vampiric Symptom Disorder. No, this does not mean you are actually a vampire. This means you exhibit vampire-like behaviors routinely. It is usually not life-threatening, but it can progress into VBD – Vampiric Behavior Disorder. (VBD is very dangerous and should be treated right away.)

VSD affects about 1 in 486 people. Most sufferers can go through life with VSD and never realize they have it. Symptoms of VSD are often treated with medication associated with other diseases or disorders, while pointy teeth can be filed down at a dentist office.  

When VSD is progressing to VBD, the patient could suffer from additional symptoms. These include: avoiding sunlight at all costs, developing a fetish for blood, flinching at crosses, avoiding garlic in any sustenance, and preferring to sleep in a tight (closed in) space.

If you have any questions on your symptoms, you should speak to a medical professional as soon as possible. Don’t let VSD suck the life out of you!

 Related Postings:
Patient #2: Sam
Patient #4: Desiree
Patient #5 Heather
Patient #8: Pirate


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